Note: Today’s Tresses highly recommends human hair wigs over synthetic wigs, and as a result this post has a bias toward human hair wigs.
Which material is right for me?
Synthetic wigs are easier to care for and less expensive than their human hair counterparts. Monofilament fiber is used to make the “hair” in these wigs, and as a result means these wigs better hold short-term waves, curls, texture and volume without daily upkeep. However, synthetic wigs are unable to endure a permanent wave or color change and can be damaged by curling irons, blow dryers and hot rollers.
If you are not expecting to wear a wig often, don’t have time for daily maintenance and want to save money, then a synthetic wig is probably most right for you.
Human hair wigs are the more natural-looking, durable, flexible and therefore more expensive option. Unlike synthetic wigs, human hair wigs may be cut, styled, permed and colored to meet the wearer’s aesthetic demands. Just like natural hair, human hair wigs must be washed, dried and styled every day; additionally, they can lose their style if they get wet or frizz on humid days.
If you are looking for quality, want to feel and look natural, are willing to keep up with maintenance and plan on wearing a wig often, then a human hair wig is definitely the right choice for you.
Why are human hair wigs less popular than synthetic wigs?
Human hair wigs were employed first by the ancient Egyptians as a method for coping with hair loss, in addition to serving as social status markers.
Although human hair wigs are the preferred choice for the majority of wig wearers, human hair wigs are not are not the actualchoice for the majority of wig wearers. Human hair wigs are more expensive than their synthetic counterpart and thus attract a smaller crowd of buyers.Synthetic wigs were the first to be mass-produced and marketed, and have thus been bought, worn and relied on by a larger number of people. Taboos related to wearing human hair, such as the belief that human hair is taken from the deceased, suggest that inaccurate information and common misconceptions serve to slow widespread popularity of human hair wigs.
What makes human hair wigs worth the price tag?
The hair used in human hair wigs is chosen strand-by-strand and according to strict selection guidelines, which limit the overall availability of high quality hair in the global market. These guidelines prevent the use of chemically damaged or low-quality hair during the production process. Once hair has been selected for use in a human hair wig, it is treated with compounds that strengthen it (particularly its cuticles) and increase the durability and longevity of the wig it is used in. Each strand is then hand-woven into a monofilament cap so that the wig is natural looking and can be easily styled by the wearer.
Here are the distinguishing qualities of human hair wigs:
- Natural Appearance: Human Hair Wigs look and feel natural and are thus hardly recognized by others as even being wigs. Human hair bounces and moves with the wearer, just like a person’s natural hair. Synthetic wigs tend to remain in a fixed position despite movement.
- Styling Flexibility: Human hair wigs need to be styled every day, allowing for greater styling flexibility on a day-to-day basis. Curling irons and blow-dryers are used to style human hair pieces. Human hair wigs may also be colored and dyed (although doing so repeatedly may damage the wig). Synthetic wigs remain the same style after washes and are damaged by tools such as curling irons.
- Durability: Human hair wigs are more durable and longer lasting than their synthetic counterparts. In addition to being naturally resilient, human hair used in wigs is strengthened to allow for greater longevity. Synthetic wigs are made of fibers that are prone to heat damage and are not suitable for frequent, sustained use.