
Nicki Minaj + Rihanna 'Fly' Gets Mashed Up With Steve Jobs Stanford Speech

Apple visionary Steve Jobs has adopted on Wednesday, the spirit of the avant-garde, digital creativity endless exercises in this clever mash-up that is as original as the spirit of Jobs. We dug up the Nicki Minaj x Sketchomatic: A Tribute by Steve Jobs and we are sure that this is just one of many that will follow in the coming days.

With this mash up, Jobs speech at Stanford in early 2005 is spliced ??with the airy ", do not listen to haters" song "Fly" to Minaj 'Pink Friday. "The speech principles and lyrics are made to agree! This is an unexpected juxtaposition of raps Minaj, ethereal delivery RiRi is the choir, and employment "assertive statements speak. It is certainly a lever mind.

It begins with the job ", saying that even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die to get there, which is a powerful thought and position.

Other appropriate parts of speech are also sprinkled throughout, such as jobs, saying,
 "Your time is limited, so do not live someone's life."

It also encourages people to "have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you really want to become." If you're angry at your situation or station in life, this mash- up, make you take the bull by the horns and make a change. It is this motivation, but never cheese age'y news.

It's something simple but powerful, set to a simple and powerful song.

