
The Best Way To Burn Belly Fat

The best type of exercise to burn belly fat is good for aerobic exercise, according to new research.
The results showed that people who do aerobics in eight months has lost about 2.5 centimeters square, abdominal fat, measured by CT. It is about 1.5 times as many people who do a combination of cardio and weights, and about 20 times as much as those who only lifted weights.
"Resistance training is great for improving muscle mass and increase strength," said study researcher Cris Slentz, an exercise physiologist at Duke University. But aerobic exercise is better to lose belly fat because it burns more calories, he said.
The study found that people who did both aerobic and resistance has not seen improvements in their health - in terms of fatty liver, insulin resistance and other measures - for Beyond that they have only aerobic exercise.
Therefore, it is a time saver for people with overweight and obese do only aerobic exercise, researchers say.
The truth about belly fat
Belly fat, which scientists called visceral fat, is not causing more muffins. Instead, it is below the abdominal cavity, filling the spaces between the internal organs, the researchers said.
It is considered more hazardous to health than other fats and, as studies have shown that it is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
Although a combination of aerobic and resistance training is often recommended, few have studied the impact of the combination of the two, the researchers said.
"Our study aimed to identify the most effective form of exercise to get rid of the bad fat."
The study included 196 adults who were overweight, sedentary, aged 18-70 years who were randomly assigned to one of three groups of eight months of exercise: aerobic, resistance training or a combination of two
The group performed aerobic exercises, like jogging 12 miles a week to 80 percent of maximum heart rate. The resistance training group performed eight weight training exercises, do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of each lift three times a week. The group has combined these two plans in their entirety. The researchers followed the participants and monitored to ensure maximum effort in terms of participation.
They found that aerobic exercise has also been better to reduce fat in the liver, this too can lead to fatty liver disease non alcoholic, a major cause of cirrhosis.
Aerobic exercise was better than strength training to improve insulin resistance and reduce liver enzymes and triglyceride levels - all of which are known to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
"When it comes to increased health risks, where the fat is deposited in the body is more important than the amount of fat you have," said Slentz.
Aerobic training burns calories by 67 percent more resistance training in the study.
How much exercise do we really need to do?
Although training was rigorous study, previous research shows that the results could be achieved through moderate aerobic exercise program, Slentz said.
"What really matters is the amount of exercise you do, the amount of miles on foot and the number of calories you burn," he said. "If you decide to work in a low intensity aerobic, only take longer to burn the same amount of fat is not healthy."
The study was published in an upcoming issue of American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Pass: Aerobic exercise is better than lifting weights to reduce belly fat.

